This is How We Chill: chillout music by dj mentos

Just push that big orange circle with the filled-in greater than sign.


There are a few things that can make my day: a nice bowl of ramen, a long drive along the coast blasting music by Fat Jon the Ample Sound Physician and kicking back at home with a good book and a long continuous downtempo mix/playlist
For those of you who can’t have decent ramen or live far away from the ocean, you’ll be delighted to know that here’s a two-hour set featuring exclusively music by DJ Mentos waiting for you on soundcloud!

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Marina and the Diamonds Gets Us

Over the last few months I’ve really enjoyed this Marina Diamandis chick, which led to the usual cycle of pure enjoyment – second guessing myself for liking “pop” music – wondering if I’d be into her if she were of mere above average physical attractiveness – deeper evaluation of her music – acceptance that she is, in fact, worthy of my possibly pretentious musical pantheon.

Making assumptions about the inside based on the outside would be a mistake.

Making assumptions about the inside based on the outside would be a mistake.

I cannot confirm that Marina is not the lab creation of a group of much-smarter-than-me-but-of-similar-taste people, but if that is the case, then I want the fucking blue pill. Only ten months my junior, Marina is physically best described as *pause, deep breath, sigh*. Mentally, her lyrics blow me away because they seem to be so effortlessly truthful, and they come from someone who looks like she should have had every advantage, comfort and absence of desperation. If you find yourself into the kind of stuff I have and will be posting, I think you either already do or very much will like Marina and the Diamonds.

Here is her music video for the song entitled “Fear and Loathing,” from 2012’s album Electra Heart. See what you guys think: